Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sports action

subject running towards the camera

Subject panning 

subject running across the plane of the camera


Monday, April 11, 2016

Logo Quick Write

1. 12 topics

2. easy to understand, lasted 6 years.

3. it represents passion

Monday, March 21, 2016

News Values

Timeliness- how recent an event happen.

Proximity- how close did the event happen.

Impact- how does the event effect people.

Human Interest- does the event have an emotional element

Conflict- does the event involve two or more people fighting or arguing.

Prominence- does the event involve celebrities or important people.

Novelty- is the event unusual or rare.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Front Pages of the World

 This Newspaper cover is my favorite because the main story is shown and clearly shown on the cover.
3. This paper is from Corpus Christi, TX
4. My favorite headline is of Rashawn Thomas because he wins SLC Defensive Player of the Year award.
5. Multiple stories
6. There's a lot of headlines under the photos and has little stories on the side.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Caption Writing Introduction and Assignment

1. Mardi Gras
Subject (Who): The North side
Date: Feb 9th, 2016
Place: New Orleans

Identify the following information the following elements from the SECOND SENTENCE of the caption:

Why:to represent the dead and reminding people of their mortality and the need to live a productive and good life.
How: By wearing costumes

2. Peru Zika virus
Subject (Who): A he alt worker
Verb: Fumigates
Date: Wednesday . Jan 20, 2016
Place:Lima, peru

Identify the following information the following elements from the SECOND SENTENCE of the caption:

Why: To prevent segue , zika virus
How: By Fumigation 

3. Philippines Ash Wednesday 
Subject (Who): A lay minister
Verb: Masks
Date: Wednesday, Feb 10 , 2016
Place: South of Manila, Philippines

Identify the following information the following elements from the SECOND SENTENCE of the caption:

Why: In observance of ash wednesday
How: Using ashes from burnt palm leaves

4. Germany train crash

Subject (Who): A city employee
Verb: Stands
Date: Wednesday, feb 10 , 2016
Place: Near bad aibling, Germany

Identify the following information the following elements from the SECOND SENTENCE of the caption:

Why:10 people were killed and more were injured
How:Train crash

5. Brazil carnival 
Subject (Who):people
Verb:cool off
Date:sunday , Jan.31, 2016
Place:Rio de Juneiro, Brazil

Identify the following information the following elements from the SECOND SENTENCE of the caption:

Why:A party to officially start february
How: throwing a big party

Friday, January 15, 2016

Magazine Cover Preview

Masthead- The title of a newspaper or magazine at the head of the front or editorial page.

Selling line- Short, sharp description of the title's main marketing point.

Dateline- Month and year of publication, often with the price. Note that a monthly magazine usually hits the newsstands the month before the cover date.

Main image-  In case of this front cover there is a single image of the model Shania. The image is used in a classic way, the face is big enough to stand out on the newsstand, with the model maing full-eye contact.

Model credit- This says: 'Shania: So hot.' It us unusual for such a credit to appear on a magazine front cover, but it is done sometimes on fashion magazines.

Cover lines- Short statements found on the cover of the magazine that allude to or describe the articles inside. Their purpose is to entice the reader into picking up and/or buying the magazine.

Coverline- Is a visual tool to help you easily see your pre- and post-ovulation temperatures.

Main cover line- It promotes the use of naked male centerfolds, a feature of Cosmopolitian in the UK since its first issue.

Barcode- Will often include publication date and price. Special subscriber covers often omit this.

Left third- The left third of the magazine cover is vital for sales in shops where the magazine is not full frontage.

This ESPN The Magazine cover portrays Michael Jordan jumping against an all-white background in his Chicago Bulls uniform. Two weeks after winning his sixth title with the Bulls, the corresponding article speculates whether or not Jordan will retire from basketball. Jordan retired on January 13, 1999, but two years later signed a deal to play for the Washington Wizards. On April 16, 2003, Jordan played his last game and announced his final retirement. - See more at:

This cover shows the best player of all time. Michael Jordan.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Year in review

Well this is one of my favorite photos because of curse it's Rihanna, I mean you can't go wrong with her also it has something in common wit the rule of thirds. Rihanna is aligned on the left side of this photo. 
 This photo of Kanye is priceless honestly. Why? Good question, it's because this far right here is his face every single day if you haven't noticed every photo that he takes. Also the quality of the photo is like so HD.
And finally my favorite photo of the year is when Taylor Swift fell in front of Kim and Kanye. Like look at both of their faces. Their just like "um? Tay what you doing!?".

This has to be my favorite photo of 2015 because it's my idol Kobe Bryant and the reason why I chose this is because it shows him bringing the ball up the court and smiling usually Kobe has a mug on his face when he brings it up but this is different. I think it's because it's his year to retire mate. 

2. The things that attracted me to this photo is one his shoes, his shooting sleeve. 

3. The reason why this is the best is because of 2015 is because it's Kobe Bryant. 

Best song of 2015?

The Weeknd ft. Future- Low life

Best movie of 2015?

Best news of 2015?
Probably has to be Mayweather and Pacquiao fight that had to be the best. 

Best person of 2015?
Kanye West. 

What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story/person of 2015?
Kobe Bryant because he announced that he was retiring this year and after he said everybody was honesty in shock (Kobe Bryant Fans).

1. My holiday hopes are my family coming together again and doing a lot better in school and making variety basketball as a sophomore.

2. Drinking less spites, doing more around the house, and most of all getting good grades and keeping up with my work. 

3.  I'm looking forward to my birthday and getting MY PERMIT!! and doing a lot more basketball workouts.

Photoshop notes

Rename your image. Make sure the image is saved as a .jpg at the highest (maximum) image quality 

Save-  you do not have to rename the image at this point. Save often and regularly 

tools that are stacked on each other. To access those tools you have to left click and hold down the mouse button

Common tools found on the left side

Provides options for each tool. Found at the top.

Command + = zoom in
Command - =zoom out
Command o = open
Command c = copy
Command v = paste
Command z = undo
Command, option, z = step backward

Command s = save
Command p -= print
Command L = levels

Adjusting levels
Channel blue
Channel green
Channel red

Moved just the black and white Hershey's kiss

Adjusting contrast
Channel RGB- moved just the gray hersheys kiss just a little lighter)

Resolution Guidelines
Yearbook = 300
Neewspaper = 150
Web = 72

To make an image black and white

Use grayscale
Image > mode > grayscale