Friday, December 11, 2015

1.  the subject looks interesting because he is catching the football.
2. the subject shows that he is catching the football
3. there aren't a lot of shadows at all its a perfect amount of light.
4. The photo is simplicity

fixed portrait

aperture: F18
shutter speed: 

aperture: F18
shutter speed: 1/20
aperture: F11
shutter speed: 1/13
aperture: F4.5
shutter speed: 0.3
aperture: F18
shutter speed: 1/40

1. For me the best iso 3200 was the nets photo
2. think my best photo was the iso 3200
3. Yes at first the photos were to bright so I lowered the shutter speed to let less light in. 
4. I learned you need to have just enough light to make the picture look good

Monday, December 7, 2015

Photo Composition Part 2/Portrait Photography Preview

Symmetry and Pattern- Great way to use them is to break the symmetry or pattern in some way, introducing tension and focal point to the scene.

Viewpoint- Consider photographing from high above, down at ground level, from the side, from the back, from a long way away, from very close up, and so on.

Create Depth- By including objects in the foreground, middle ground and background.

Cropping (filling the frame)- The subject you eliminate the background "noise", ensuring gets the viewer's undivided attention.
Simplicity- Ways to give the center of interest in your pictures the most visual attention
The Rule of Thirds- You can use the rule of thirds as a guide in the off-center placement of your subjects.

This photo shows lines because of the football fields yard lines.

This photo shows balance because the patriots are close together in a huddle. 

This photo shows framing because it has Gronkowski's jersey in a photo farm with some of pictures.

This photo shows avoiding merger because it shows their jersey's merging together.

Portrait Photography Preview

1. It's important because in the portrait it offers enormous potential to extend or enhance the communication.  The environments pays a major role un revealing the identity of the individual. 

2. Where more information is required about the physical surroundings and environment, it's recommended to use their camera in either fully manual or aperture priority mode so that maximum control is maintained. 

3.  By the environments and lighting may be chosen to reflect the mood or state of mind of the subject. The path travelled could be purely coincidental or could have been chosen to represent the journey of his life.

4.  The photographer should clarify that the subject does have time for the photograph to be made and indicate that it may involve more than one image being created. Also the subject may need guidance on how to sit or stand, what they should do with their hands and where to look. 

Environmental portrait
I like that the photo is taken through the net and I picked it because it looked interesting.

I like how the sun creates a small glare in the photo and I chose this photo because I thought it was eye popping.

Casual Portrait
Reason why I chose this causal photo is because I like the polo he has on and the background seems very casual as well.

Planning ahead
Justen and I may go to the courtyard, New Tech hallway or the Green hallway to take our portraits. We both haven't decided yet but were going to experiment at all the locations and see which location looks better. Poop